Crystal Collections


Crystal Collections:

  • 4″ Tower
  • Positive Affirmation Stone
  • 6 Crystal Points

Let the vibrations from these crystals and gemstones, heal and engage your chakras.  Each set is chosen to work with a specific chakra.   Let the good vibrations begin!

🎁 Free Shipping on orders over $75 (Continental US Only)


Experience the profound healing and transformation that our Chakra Gemstones & Crystal Collection can bring to your life. These exquisite pieces are not only beautiful but also tools for inner growth and balance. Discover the power of chakras with us today and align your energy for a brighter tomorrow.

  • Crown Chakra: 4 inch Amethyst Tower, a Positive Affirmation stone with “I UNDERSTAND” engraved on it and 6 Quartz Crystal points to amplify healing vibrations.  Amethyst is associated with spiritual connection.  Amethyst is known to promote inner peace, enhance intuition and will deepen your meditative state.
  • Third Eye Chakra: 4 inch Lapis Lazuli Tower, a Positive Affirmation stone with “I SEE” engraved on it and 6 Quartz Crystal points to amplify healing vibrations.  Lapis Lazuli is known for enhancing intuition.  Lapis Lazuli is widely accepted to increase psychic abilities, mental clarity, and spiritual growth.
  • Throat Chakra: 4 inch Turquoise Howlite Tower, a Positive Affirmation stone with “I SPEAK” engraved on it and 6 Quartz Crystal points to amplify healing vibrations.  Turquoise Howlite is known for its ability to enhance communication.  Turquoise Howlite is also known to encourage truthfulness, authenticity, and self-expression
  • Heart Chakra: 4 inch Green Aventurine Tower, a Positive Affirmation stone with “I LOVE” engraved on it and 6 Quartz Crystal points to amplify healing vibrations.  Green Aventurine is known for enhancing love and compassion.  Green Aventurine is also known for supporting harmony, balance, and emotional stability.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: 4 inch Yellow Aventurine Tower, a Positive Affirmation stone with ” I CAN” engraved on it and 6 Quartz Crystal points to amplify healing vibrations. Yellow Aventurine is known for boosting self-confidence.  Yellow Aventurine is also known to encourage optimism, positivity, and personal power.
  • Sacral Chakra: 4 inch Orange Aventurine Tower, a Positive Affirmation stone with “I FEEL” engraved on it and 6 Quartz Crystal points to amplify healing vibrations. Orange Aventurine is known for its ability to stimulate creativity.  Orange Aventurine is also known to enhance sexuality, sensuality, and social connections.
  • Root Chakra: 4 inch Red Jasper Tower, a Positive Affirmation stone with “I AM” engraved on it and 6 Quartz Crystal points to amplify healing vibrations. Red Jasper is known for its ability to help you ground.  Red Jasper also has powerful energy to restore your emotional stability, vitality, courage, and strength.

🎁Free Shipping on orders over $75 (Continental US Only)

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Weight N/A
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Chakra Gemstones & Crystal Collections

Crown Chakra Gemstones & Crystal Collection, Third Eye Chakra Gemstones & Crystal Collection, Throat Chakra Gemstones & Crystal Collection, Heart Chakra Gemstones & Crystal Collection, Solar Plexus Chakra Gemstones & Crystal Collection, Sacral Chakra Gemstones & Crystal Collection, Root Chakra Gemstones & Crystal Collection


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